I’ve been on and off scrolling through my social media since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. People are feeling vulnerable, mad, scared, disgusted, stressed, and so many feelings. I was feeling crushed but totally not surprised.
Those folks played the looooong game. I mean, really planned it out. After the draft decision by Alito was leaked in May 2022, people in the know were on alert:
Many legal experts warned immediately that the draft was written to not only eradicate the current federal protection to abortion access, but also to lay the legal groundwork to undo a whole host of other rights guaranteed through the 14th Amendment protecting privacy and equality for all individuals.
(emphasis mine)
So here we are. Roe v Wade has been overturned. It's news one cannot seem to escape. What are we to do?
Feel the emotions
I follow this indigenous creator ( @michael_adams22 on TikTok) and he shared a teaching about the energy of emotions and the risks of stopping that energy. I know some of these feelings suck but they are moving through us and last maybe 90 seconds at a time. They might be multiple 90-second waves but let them flow. Channel whatever you can during this time via writing, movement, or action.
Take positive action
People who will need help now are those who are underprivileged, marginalized, and vulnerable. Consider donating your time or money to support the organizations mobilizing to help folks. Some examples:
Elevatedaccess.org - Pilots willing to fly patients who need care to states that provide it. This includes gender-affirming care.
NARAL Pro-Choice America - Support Reproductive Freedom
Abortion funds - There are a lot of these popping up right now. A few sites I trust point to this one.
Pay close attention to your data footprint
Folks are recommending deleting period apps and going old school with tracking periods (hello, paper calendar!). But not only should we be mindful of the apps we use and our presumed privacy that really might not be there, but we should also be mindful that our internet-enabled devices “tell on” where we are as well.
Bluetooth tech is taking note of where you are in stores, so if you’re trying to be under the radar for your purchases, don’t have your earbuds, Fitbit, Apple Watch, or other internet-connected devices on you when you’re out and about. Watch this TikTok and also see why cash is not always private.
Additionally, VICE was able to buy “location data” and foot traffic data on people who visited Planned Parenthood from a company called SafeGraph. SafeGraph was put on blast about this and took quick action to fix the problem. But I imagine where that leak was plugged, another business popped up in its place to make money off those who want that data.
Be chaos
And while we are on the topic of data… If you’re a person with a penis or who will never give birth to a baby, consider downloading the various period apps and tracking nonsense, like your lawn’s watering schedule, times you take your vitamins, etc. Make a mess of the data.
Remove support
Consider NOT sending your kids to college in states that don’t align with your values. Or boycott companies that support the politicians that vote for these yahoos. Hit those states where it hurts.
When you’re dating men
Date men who have had vasectomies—not men who take the “if you can’t afford a baby, you shouldn’t be having one” classist stance on pregnancy.
Look men up on Fec.gov for who they make political contributions to. Here’s where to do it.
Flex your purchasing power
Outside of the recent “No Buy July”, consider giving your business to companies making policies to support choice. Use this tool to help.
The good news
People don’t need to go back to hangers or back alleys like they did in the days before Roe v. Wade since now there are emergency contraceptive options. Some folks have been posting about what to do if you find yourself in this situation:
If you wish to take steps to prevent pregnancy now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, please check out this resource.
A list of physicians willing to do a Tubal ligation (from @pagingdrfran on TikTok)
More resources
Learn the facts about abortion
Do you have other resources you can share? Leave them in the comments below! Let’s make this a space to share what we can with each other.